Sunday, 1 October 2017

Tate Exchange - The Factory The Seen And The Unseen, Clare Twomey

I called in to Tate Modern to have a look at artist Clare Twomey's mock production line; a set up for visitors to partake in making and exchanging ceramics. The artist statement explained the hope to draw people into a conversation about 'how we connect to our everyday ideas of labour, value and exchange'. 

For me personally this is an interesting conversation point as much of my own work aims to capture an appreciation of the tools, craftsmanship and labour that goes into items and tasks of the everyday. 

The rows of drying racks were stunning. These are some snaps of the final items to be exchanged.

My blog has moved homes

After several years here on blogger I have made the difficult decision to move blogs! Come and and celebrate my new blog home and find out t...