Thursday, 13 February 2014

To apply art to useful wares is not frivolity, but a part of the serious business of life . W. Morris

This was one of Morris' key quotes and motives for working. I believe too that there is a general disregard for the arts in todays society. A degree in the arts is seen as a frivolity and an unnecessary expense by many and even the government as we see the arts hit by cuts. It is though however, something that most people including politicians and mathematicians appreciate without taking a second thought. I'm sure in their homes they enjoyed patterned china, patterned bedding and quite probably patterned furnishings. I therefore see this as one of the most important ethos to use for my project and career.

One off artist screen prints on sale in the shop

Museum shop
Turning the ordinary into the ornate.
William Morris set himself the task of making everyday
objects into decorative and desirable objects.
An ideal that most designers work to today.

These are some of the products that
are by more modern artists and designers
working to the same objectives.
These items sell at a premium price as they are
one off that cannot be reproduced by major companies.

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